22nd Annual Keencheefoonee Road Race 2022

This is the 22nd year of the Keencheefoonee Road Race! Over the past two decades, our incredible volunteers have raised over 4 million dollars to help send more children with cancer to camp! These volunteers not only give us a week (or more) of their time, but they get the support of their family and friends too. This is the most important fundraiser for Camp Sunshine and we are so very grateful for everyone’s commitment.
The past two years our amazing volunteers have continued to run and support Camp Sunshine even virtually, however this year we are excited to welcome everyone back IN-PERSON! As the 40th Anniversary of Camp Sunshine AND the first year back in person since the pandemic started, it’s a big year for Camp!
If you are one of Camp’s amazing volunteers and you are interested in signing up to participate in the KRR 2022 or you are a supporter of Camp and would like to make a donation, follow the link below!
We are eternally grateful for our dedicated volunteers and to all of the generous donors that support the campers and families that we serve!
A HUGE Thank You to our 2022 Sponsors!