What is your treasure? by Tricia Benson
I was looking for something a few days ago and came across my 1983 Camp Sunshine twig nametag. Vintage. In 1983, the first year of Camp, the nametags were a little stick with names written in permanent marker and a pin glued to the back. We probably couldn’t afford to purchase nametags so this was the alternative – very “campy”.
I sent the photo to Sally and she said she had hers too; so did Edith. I posted a photo on Facebook and had 59 “likes” from friends in the Camp Sunshine community and also from friends and colleagues I have met over the years since 1983. Many of these people have only heard stories about what a special place Camp Sunshine is. First year camper, Chris Biblis, now living in Denver with his wife and two children – he still has his twig nametag too.
Thirty-six years later, that first stick nametag is a treasure. A one-of-a-kind. Something that connects just a few who experienced that very special first week of Camp Sunshine.
When I found that nametag, it brought back a flood of memories -- the magic of camp and of friendships. Of survival and hope. A reminder of how camp changes lives, including my own. There is a connection for all of us who have experienced Camp Sunshine.
I will be forever grateful to the volunteers, the parents who share their children, and especially the campers who teach lessons of hope, courage and love. Although I have missed a few years, the twig nametag remains one of my greatest treasures.
In honor of the treasures I have from Camp Sunshine and the many campers I cared for through the years, I have made Camp Sunshine a part of my estate plan. I encourage you to join me and the Circle of Sunshine by adding Camp Sunshine as a partial beneficiary of your will, trust, life insurance policy or retirement plan.
What is your Camp Sunshine treasure? Visit our Plan Your Gift page on our website under Ways To Give to learn more.