Hey everybody! While I’m getting chemo today, I wanted to tell you all about Camp Sunshine. My counselors, Jeff and Zach, were the coolest dudes. I think they had as much fun as we did. I made 3 new best friends in my cabin. Wyatt and Logan are on the same treatment plan as me and they have lost their hair too. Henry had osteosarcoma. He is cancer free and has a prosthetic leg. Henry taught me magic tricks. At camp, my favorite activities were horseback riding, kayaking, rock climbing, tennis, meeting the Georgia football team, the carnival, talent show and cabin time. Every minute was fun. I performed a monologue at the talent show. Everyone laughed. Want to know the best part? All the kids and counselors understand cancer. Sometimes you feel bad. Sometimes you just don’t want to eat. And that’s okay. I hope Luke can go to sibling camp. He will love it there. I can’t wait to go back next year.